
USD Business Accounts for Virtual Business

Get USD Business Accounts designed to make it easier to manage global transactions.

account advantages

Maximize Your USD Business Account Benefits

Access Global Markets

Expand your business reach by engaging in transactions worldwide. Conduct business globally without worrying about currency conversion rates or hidden fees.

Hedge Against Inflation

Maintain a stable financial base by holding funds in US dollars, the widely accepted global currency.

Make Global Payments with Ease

Send and receive USD payments across borders without complications.

Organize Your USD transactions

Consolidate all your US dollar transactions in one platform for better management.

Our USD Business Account Features

Easy Setup
Easy Setup
Getting started with a USD Business Account is straightforward. We'll guide you through the process to ensure everything is set up correctly.
Bank Grade Security
Bank Grade Security
FDIC protection. Your account and transactions are protected, so you can focus on running your business without any worries.
Flexible Access
Flexible Access
Manage your account from anywhere, at any time. Our online banking platform ensures you can access your funds and manage your finances whenever you want.
Dedicated Support
Dedicated Support
Have questions or need assistance? Our dedicated support team is always ready to help you with any issues or queries you might have.

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Let’s Get You Started

Comprehensive Financial Infrastructure for smart Businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa

Miden (DBA Tyrus Tech) is a financial technology company specializing in innovative payment solutions, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while delivering secure and reliable services to businesses.


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